Butterflies are captivating creatures that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our local ecosystems, and attracting these enchanting insects to your garden is a must for preserving local biodiversity and promoting your gorgeous blooms. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to turn your Utah garden into a butterfly haven. By providing the right conditions, food sources, and shelter, you can invite a variety of butterfly species to grace your outdoor space with their vibrant colors and graceful flights. Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks for attracting butterflies to your garden this summer!

How To Attract Butterflies to Your Utah Garden

Here are the best ways to attract butterflies to your Utah garden oasis:

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Use Millcreek Gardens' Take-Home Butterfly Kits
We at Millcreek Gardens are here to help you see the magic of butterflies up close and personal in your backyard this summer. Our Riverbottom butterfly kits let you watch the entire butterfly maturation process happen up close and personal, making them perfect for engaging your kids in nature. When you take home one of our butterfly kits—which includes a cup of caterpillars and organic plant-based food—you can watch them eat, make their chrysalises, and emerge as beautiful butterflies, ready to take on your new garden!

Build Them a Proper Habitat
Once your new butterflies are reborn, you need to make sure they stay close to home! Butterflies are attracted to habitats that combine sun, shelter, water, and food, so make sure your garden ticks all four of those boxes. Start by selecting a sunny location for your garden, as butterflies are ectothermic and rely on the sun's warmth for energy. Next, incorporate various types of butterfly-attracting plants to serve as nectar sources. Suitable perennial nectar plants include Bee Balm, Butterfly Weed, Milkweed, Purple Coneflower, and Yarrow.

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Plant Host Plants
In addition to nectar plants, host plants are also essential for butterfly reproduction, as they provide butterflies a place to lay their eggs and serve as a food source for caterpillars. So, to fill your garden with tons of butterflies this year, research and plant the preferred host plants of the butterfly species you aim to attract. For instance, the Monarch butterfly relies on Milkweed as its host plant, so planting this in the garden will keep these beauties fluttering around all season. It's also a great idea to incorporate a variety of host plants into your garden to attract multiple species and extend the butterfly life cycle of your area.

Avoid Pesticides and Other Chemicals 
Chemical-based pesticides, such as insecticides and herbicides, can have long-lasting negative effects on butterflies and other beneficial insects, so avoid using them in your garden whenever you can to attract more butterflies to your space. Instead, opt for natural pest control methods for your plant collection, such as companion planting, introducing beneficial insects, and manually removing pests when necessary.

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Provide Water Sources 
Like all living creatures, butterflies need water to survive, so installing a few safe, fresh water sources in your garden is a surefire way to attract more butterflies to your landscape. Create shallow puddles near your butterfly-attracting plants or place a birdbath somewhere in your garden, ensuring the water is easily accessible for butterflies. Add a few stones or pebbles to provide perching spots and prevent drowning, and remember to keep the water source clean and replenish it regularly.

Understand Native Butterflies 
Before embarking on your butterfly-attracting journey, you must first familiarize yourself with your area's native butterfly species, because understanding their preferences, host plants, and nectar sources will help you tailor your garden to their needs. Research local resources or consult with local gardening experts to gain insights into the specific butterflies you can expect to attract. Common butterflies in the Salt Lake City area include the Western Tiger Swallowtail, Painted Lady, Monarch, and Checkered White. 

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Creating a butterfly-friendly garden is an incredibly rewarding experience, and choosing the right plants to attract them is a key step. By understanding your local butterfly species, providing them with native host plants and water sources, and avoiding harmful chemicals, you can support these beautiful creatures, contributing to the conservation of butterflies and the overall health of your local ecosystem. Get ready to enjoy the enchanting presence of butterflies in your backyard with our Riverbottom butterfly kits and a healthy handful of butterfly-attracting plants, all available at Millcreek Gardens!