Roses are classic garden flowers that have stood the test of time and are very rewarding to grow. Over the years, rosarians have developed several best practices for producing beautiful roses from your rose bush. From planting and maintaining ideal soil conditions to fertilizing, pruning, and hydrating your roses—there's a lot to know! But don't let that intimidate you. Roses are no more difficult to care for than most flowering shrubs, especially with this fool-proof care guide. Here are the top rose care secrets from the professionals, including the best season to plant and how to prune your roses when the growing season ends.

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Planting Your Roses 

It's best to plant roses during the spring or the fall months, after the first frost or before it has appeared. You will want to dig a hole according to the size of your root ball and two inches shallower. To prepare your plant for pot removal, gently loosen the root ball and be careful not to damage its roots. Fill your planting hole with high-quality soil, the root ball, and any nutrients or organic matter you're planting with it to enrich your roses. Apply mulch over the roots to aid in the moisture retention of your soil and protect your plant. 

Now that your rose is planted, how much water does it need? Don't worry; we've got you covered on that, too!

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Watering Your Rose Bush 

Your soil should be kept evenly moist throughout your rose bush's growing season. The frequency of watering your shrub will depend on the climate you are living in as well as the soil type you are using, but for the first couple of months after planting, you'll want to give the plant a deep watering two to three times per week with your garden hose. In their first season, the shrubs are fairly drought-tolerant, but sandier soils or gardens that are hot, dry, or windy may require more frequent watering.

Soil Preparation

Like most flowers, your roses love nutrient-rich, moist soil with proper drainage. In terms of soil varieties, they are very resilient and can thrive in most soil conditions. Because these flowers are so loved, most brands even make rose-specific soil to help your plants thrive! The pH of rose soil should be at or near the level of typical garden soil, which is slightly acidic to neutral (6.0 to 7.0). You can check your soil's pH with a simple and inexpensive soil testing kit. Make sure to add plenty of light and airy organic matter, such as compost, to your soil! These flowers aren't picky, but they do like to breathe. 

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Fertilizer Requirements 

Periodically fertilizing your roses will encourage showy, beautiful flowers and abundant growth. For more vigorous blooms, feed your roses an organic fertilizer mix. Liquid fertilizer is recommended for most roses after the first bloom, while repeat-blooming roses need regular feeding every 2-3 weeks until late summer. Some rosarians will even add Epsom salt or coffee grounds to their fertilizer to turn up the intensity! Coffee grounds help to keep rose pests at bay, and the added magnesium from the Epsom salt creates a lusher, more intense color in your blooms.

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Pruning Your Rose Bush 

Pruning your rose bush is essential for keeping it not only beautiful but healthy as well. A regular pruning routine will keep your shrub blooming all summer long! What more could you ask for than a chance to enjoy these delicious blooms a little while longer? Plants without pruning are more susceptible to poor circulation as a result of crowded conditions and not enough space to grow. Remove all remaining leaves and dead foliage at the beginning of the spring season, cut back continually throughout the summer, and give it a tidy in the fall. Starting with dead leaves, trim back all weak growth until you make your way through the center of your rose bush. Protect freshly cut canes from rot and rose borers by sealing the wounds and immediately disposing of the clippings. 

Following these best practices, you will have vibrantly colored large blooming roses before you know it! With thousands of cultivars that boast all the colors of the rainbow, there surely isn't a shortage of beauty in this flower family. 

Some of our favorite rose varieties include: 

-Knock Out
-Cabbage Rose
-Grandiflora Rose
-Bourbon Rose
-Golden Celebration
-Lady Banks Rose

There's no shortage of gorgeous rose options to try in your garden, and caring for them is easy with our trusty guide. For more tips on how to keep gorgeous roses blooming all summer long, visit us at Millcreek Gardens in Salt Lake City, UT, today!